For “Water Quality Implications of Forest & Wetland Restoration in the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Geography

The Water Quality Consequences of Restoring Wetland Hydrology to a Large Agricultural Watershed in the Southeastern Coastal Plain.


Mapping Trade-Offs in Ecosystem Services from Reforestation in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.

Restoring Bottomland Hardwood Forests on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lands: 2016 Monitoring Report


Water Quality Assessment of a Conservation Reserve Program near an Oxbow Lake in the Mississippi Delta: Case Study of Beasley Watershed


A review of 50 years of study of hydrology, wetland dynamics, aquatic metabolism, water quality and trophic status, and nutrient biogeochemistry in the barataria basin, mississippi delta-system functioning, human impacts and restoration approaches

Final Report Regional Estimates of Ecological Services Derived from U.S. Department of Agriculture Conservation Programs in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley

Effects of conservation practices on wetland ecosystem services in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley


Restoration of bottomland hardwood forests in Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, U.S.A


Denitrification Potentials in Restored and Natural Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands


Nitrate Reduction in a Hydrologically Restored Bottomland Hardwood Forest in the Mississippi River Watershed, Northern Louisiana


Valuing ecosystem services from wetlands restoration in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley


Nutrient Reduction and Biodiversity Impacts from Agricultural Best Management Practices in the Lower Mississippi River Basin


The Role of the Wetland Reserve Program in Conservation Efforts in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley


Review of best management practice reduction efficiencies in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley


Long-term database of Beasley Lake Watershed with 25 years of agricultural conservation practices


Reducing Nutrient Losses From Cropland in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin: Cost Efficiency and Regional Distribution


USDA conservation practices increase carbon storage and water quality improvement functions: An example from Ohio


Functional Differences between Natural and Restored Wetlands in the Glaciated Interior Plains


Nitrate-nitrogen retention in wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin


Effects of Conservation Wetlands on Stream Habitat, Water Quality and Fish Community in Agricultural Watersheds of the Lower Mississippi River Basin


The challenge of documenting water quality benefits of conservation practices: A review of USDA-ARS’s conservation effects assessment project watershed studies


A decade of conservation effects assessment research by the USDA Agricultural Research Service: Progress overview and future outlook


Denitrification Potential of Different Land-use Types in an Agricultural Watershed, Lower Mississippi Valley


Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) Assessment of the Effects of Conservation Practices on Cultivated Cropland in the Lower Mississippi River Basin


Transport and retention of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon in North America’s largest river swamp basin, the Atchafalaya river basin